
Show #374 – Legion of Oops

Mike and AJ are here with a slightly truncated show due to some technical difficulties, but we got the big topics covered just fine. Microsoft had a big showing at Gamescom. Meanwhile, Blizzard dropped all the new details of the next World of Warcraft expansion, Legion.

Show #373 – Rocket Man

Mike and AJ check out Rocket League. It is all the fun. We also talk about Summer Games Done Quick, rumblings of the next World of Warcraft Expansion, Dragon Quest XI and a possible Nintendo NX version, and the launch of Windows 10.

Show #372 – Tournament Edition

Mike and AJ check out the details of the latest Hearthstone expansion, the Grand Tournament. We also get the details of the newest Diablo 3 content patch, a sudden update to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2, and a potential misstep by John Smedley of Daybreak.

Show #368 – Destiny’s Dark Night

Mike is back from E3 and AJ picks his brain. We get into some controversies regarding Destiny and the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight. But since we got Batman on console, we’ve been playing it!

Show #367 – E3 2015

Mike is actually in LA for E3 this year, but thanks to clever editing, you’ll hear his thoughts from throughout the week on the back half of this show. Before that, AJ gives you a look at the big three, and discusses his highlights of what may be one of the best E3s ever!

Show #366 – PrE3

Mike and AJ are geared up for E3 next week! We take a last look of some pr-E3 announcements and leaks including Mirror’s Edge, Destiny DLC, Hearthstone’s Tavern Brawl, and another Sonic Boom game.