
Show #325 – About Face

Mike and AJ analyze the latest Xbox One-Eighty. We take a look at the Kinect-less Xbox One, the changes to Xbox Live, and the new Games with Gold. The boys have been hitting the link with Mario Golf: World Tour.

Show #324 – It Was a Very (Bad) Year

Mike and AJ hate to do it, but Nintendo has more bad news, and we talk about it. And though AJ still loves Elder Scrolls Online, they’re doing some weird things in regards to the delay of the console versions. Will he be replacing the game with Wildstar after playing the open beta? And finally, Mike steps up to the mound with MLB The Show ’14 for Playstation 4.

Show #323 – Disney Infinity Gauntlet

Mike and AJ explore this week’s Disney Infinity 2.0 announcement, the upcoming release of Driveclub, and talk a little bit more about Hearthstone. Just a little. Promise.

Show #322 – The Sol Still Burns

Mike and AJ are here to witness another Naughty Dog departure, get some good news on one of Titanfall’s new maps, and check out the newly announced Phoenix Wright game. With Hearthstone sweeping the world, listeners advised us to check out SolForge, so we did. Mike has also been playing BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma. AJ has been playing Elder Scrolls Online still.

Show #321 – iHearth

Mike and AJ put their iPads down long enough to look at this month’s NPDs, talk about the latest game dev departure, and hype up the new Civilization: Beyond Earth. Besides Hearthstone on iPad, Mike gives us a look at the Heroes of the Storm alpha, AJ tries out PVP in Elder Scrolls Online, and Mike plays the new, old-school adventure game, Moebius.

Show #319 – Massively Single Player

Mike and AJ talk about the Kindle Fire TV, Amy Hennig’s new role, The Elder Scrolls Online, and the new adventure mode included with Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls.

Show #318 – Smokin’!

Mike and AJ get into a heated debate over Facebook’s acquisition of Oculus. They’ve also played some Infamous: Second Son and dipped their toes into Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls. Or as Mike calls it, Diablo 3: And Some Hearthstone Cards.

Show #317 – Kept You Waiting, Huh?

Mike and AJ weigh in on Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeores. We also talk about Sony’s entry to VR at GDC, the further delays on Titanfall on the Xbox 360, and we answer your questions!