
Show #215 – Countdown the First

Mike and AJ begin their countdown to Game of the Year 2011. This week, we reveal slots 10 through 6. We also get into some of the more unique aspects of Star Wars: The Old Republic including crafting and the excellent Flashpoint missions.

We’re also doing our first ever EBP Contest this week. The prize is an invite to the DOTA 2 beta on Steam. After listening to our 10 – 6 picks for GotY, you can probably well guess what games are in our top 5 for the year. In the comments on this post, leave your best guess for what Mike and AJ’s 5 favorite games for 2011 were in the correct order. For each list you get correct, you gain an entry into the contest (giving you a maximum of two entries). If no one is correct, everyone will get entered with a single entry. Please leave your Steam ID with your entry so I can send you your prize! To enter, you must have a North America Steam account.

Be sure to check out for other podcasts in the Couch Bound Network.

Show #214 – I Are Disappoint

Mike and AJ are here to begin bringing 2011 to a close. We take a look back at some of our most pleasant surprises and biggest disappointments. We also weigh in on Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 and Epic Mickey 2, discuss Vox Media’s big gaming push, and talk a little more SWTOR.

Be sure to check out for other podcasts in the Couch Bound Network.

Show #213 – Wwebsite

For our last show of 2011, we go out with a bang. Mike and AJ join in the fun of the whole Ocean Marketing shebang that happened today. We’ve also got a brief look at Rayman: Origins and the beginnings of Game of the Year talks for 2011.

Be sure to check out for other podcasts in the Couch Bound Network.

Show #212 – Another Dark Jedi

Sorry there was no show last week. That was totally my fault. But Mike and AJ (that’s me, the one at fault) are here this week with discussion about Last of Us and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (yes, spell check, I know it’s not a word), SWTOR, Sonic CD, and the GBA Ambassador games for 3DS.

Be sure to check out for other podcasts in the Couch Bound Network.

Show #211 – Do it Like DOTA

Mike and AJ have access to the DOTA 2 beta. We also have the newly released Mario Kart 7, Infinity Blade 2, and the ever hanging cloud of a possible Half Life 3 announcement.

Be sure to check out for other podcasts in the Couch Bound Network.

Show #210 – T7 + Mike + AJ = Podcasting

Mike and AJ are sadly not actually joined by Mike’s new best friend, the lovable droid T7 from Bioware’s upcoming MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic, but we do talk about the game. We also are able to finally get Mike’s thoughts on the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and AJ’s opinion of Super Mario 3D Land. Spoiler: They like them.

Be sure to check out for other podcasts in the Couch Bound Network.

Show #209 – The Sky’s the Limit

Mike and AJ have even more games! The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Assassin’s Creed Revelations, Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Kinect Disneyland Adventures, and more! We also delve into the MGS5 rumors, the happenings at Telltale Games, and a look at Square Enix.

Be sure to check out for other podcasts in the Couch Bound Network.

Show #208 – The Adventure of My Life

Games! Mike and AJ are here to discuss Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Super Mario 3D Land, and Assassin’s Creed Revelations. We also got some NPD numbers, some thoughts on the rest of the upcoming holiday releases, and the first rumblings of game of the year discussion.

Be sure to check out for other podcasts in the Couch Bound Network.

Show #207 – The Sonic Generation

Mike and AJ are once again joined by Chris. All the Minottis are here to talk about Sonic Generations, a game series we all grew up with together. We also get into our final thoughts on Uncharted 3, a discussion of the GTA V trailer, and discover AJ’s skill for naming super heroes in DC Universe Online.

For this week’s Let’s Go Topical 2.0, Chris wants to know if anyone else felt Uncharted 3 was too hard. He seemed to find the combat a bit frustrating and death too frequent. Do you agree?

Be sure to check out for other podcasts in the Couch Bound Network.

Show #206 – Off the (Un)Charts

Guess what we got early? Yup, Mike and AJ got their hands on Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. And guess what else? It’s pretty damn good. We also get some final impressions on Batman: Arkham City, a look at some Nintendo news, and question if the Wii has reached its end.

In fact, for this week’s Let’s Go Topical 2.0, we’d like to ask you if you think there is any single game you can foresee yourself buying anymore Wii games after Zelda: Skyward Sword.

Be sure to check out for other podcasts in the Couch Bound Network.