Show #93 – Through the Years

Joey “Shinogu” Chiu joins us for, *sniffle*, the last entry in the games of years past. Listeners to our show should not be surprised by the outcome. We also have June’s NPD numbers, the UFC’s latest match up, new NXE features, and more on the suddenly (and happily) relevant world of Monkey Island.

The Exploding Barrel Podcast Show #93

Show #90 – Go West, Young Ajguy

We may be down one Ajguy, but Joey “Shinogu” Chiu is ready to step up to the plate. He and Mike look at the bizarre new relationship between Id and Bethesda, talk about the newest countdown sites to make the scene, and choose a Game of the Year for 2005. Also, Joey takes his chances with the Great American Ajguy Gaming Quiz.

The Exploding Barrel Podcast Show #90

Show #89 – Da Mocky

Look who it is! It’s George “Regulus” Kokoris. Once again he joins us to comment on Activision’s latest shenanigans, the best games of 2004, and Mike’s pronunciation. This is also Ajguy’s last episode for a few weeks while he hits the road, so it’s sure to become a collector’s item.

The Exploding Barrel Podcast Show #89

Show #88 – EBP Go

Who let all these people in?! This week, we’re joined by George “Regulus” Kokoris, Chris “RocGaude” Whittington, and Mark “Beige” Whiting. Epic discussions ensue on NPD numbers, slams and jams, and the best game of 2003. Just don’t mention “the game that must not be named” or Mike and Beige may break into raucous laughter.

The Explodgin Barrel Podcast Show #88

Show #87 – Prime Time

Another E3 has come and gone, and we are here to bring it home (since Microsoft didn’t do that promotion again). Armed with good friend of the show George “Regulus” Kokoris, we check out some Sony execs justifying the PSP Go, discuss Natal again, and drool over Metroid: Other M some more. And I bet you’ll never guess what game won GotY for 2002.

And did someone say picture?!

The great Olrando meet up of '09.
A.J., George, and Mike

The Exploding Barrel Podcast Show #87

E3 09 – Nintendo and Sony

Back again, Mister? Today we weigh in on the Nintendo and Sony E3 press conferences to discuss various accessories and price points. We even got some exciting surprise game announcements. Guess what? Yoshi’s back! And it looks great!

The Exploding Barrel Podcast E3 09 – #2

E3 09 – Microsoft, EA, and Monkey Island

Welcome to our first E3 mini episode. Mike and AJ are here to weigh in on the Microsoft and EA press conferences, as well as the sudden resurgence in Monkey Island love. See our thoughts on the new games, Live features, and the mysterious Project Natal.

The Exploding Barrel Podcast E3 09 – #1

Show #86 – More Like Galo

The Minotti Brothers make their triumphant return to reclaim what is rightfully theirs. Listen to that crowd cheer and chant! This week we welcome Pete “AngryJedi” Davison to talk about the games of 2001. We also get into some pre-E3 talks, the new hotness that is inFAMOUS, and find out what drunk, British men do for fun.

The Exploding Barrel Podcast Show #86

Show #85 – Twist!

There’s something different this week – a Minotti-Free episode! While the boys enjoy Disney World, the rest of the Squadron steps up to the plate. Join Chris “RocGaude” Whittington, Jeff “Feenwager” Parsons, Mark “Beige” Whiting, and Craig “Scribl” Ostrin as we dive into a hefty helping o’ pre-E3 (PRE3?) news, discuss why JRPG’s have got it all wrong, and look at gaming…IN THE YEAR 2000. You’ll be thrilled and amazed by our selection for Game Of That Year.

The Exploding Barrel Podcast Show #85

Show #84 – Slam with the Best

This week we are once again joined by Mark “Beige” Whiting for the podcast equivalent of a wall of text. This is doubly true during our discussion of the best games of 1999 (a surprisingly good year when you look at it). Ajguy is once again iPhoning it in, Beige brings the goods with F.E.A.R. 2 and more, while Mike apparently didn’t play anything. But we do have NPDs! You like those, right? Right?!

The Exploding Barrel Podcast Show #84